Inform Engage Enlighten

Geometry is sacred because it informs, engages and enlightens. Let us consider these three words: Inform, Engage and Enlighten, and contemplate how they relate to Sacred Geometry.


Sacred Geometry Informs, literally In-Forms us, All, and our relationship to the All.

For instance, there is geometry throughout my body that supports my being in these dimensions of reality. This geometry is based on mechanics of form that function easily with the principles of space dynamics that are in this dimension. These spacial dynamics include forces of gravity which are pulls or desires from multiple centers of geometric informing, from manifold, fractal dimensions of scale.

The folds in space are shaped by the dynamic harmonics of number. Bodies are expressions of the folding of space being shaped by these harmonics of number. The Phi ratio is basic in this process, because it is the harmonic of development in time, referencing immediate past to the present to produce the next future.

Geometry can invite and/or enforce informing of the being. These two words are also worthy of further investigation. The derivation of the word invite comes from the Latin ‘in’ -in + ‘vita’, meaning life. Invite means to bring life in, an invitation into liveliness. Enforce, on the other hand, is based on the Latin ‘in’ -in + ‘fortis’, meaning strong. Our common usage of the word enforce usually implies coercion of an unwilling subject into the power of the form. But a cleaner definition of this word does not necessarily include coercion. Enforce means to compel observance of a rule or law. Compel derives from ‘com’ -together + ‘pellere’ -drive. There is a force, a gravity, in geometry that compels alignment, particularly if the form is harmonic, i.e. Sacred.

The question becomes What is the motivation for this compelling enforcement? If the motivation is sacred, as in opening windows to greater and grander liveliness of Informing, Engaging and Enlightening, then this driving together (enforcing) of the being into geometry may be trusted as sacred.

Because geometry may be enforcing, it behooves us to know that it may also be co-opted for less than sacred means. We are encouraged to practice sensitivity to what is motivating the enforcing winds, so that we may be at choice to accept the invitation to align or not.

As I write all these words, particularly the dynamic words that we are defining, I see these words as inFORMing geometries. Invite, enforce, coerce, compel, co-opt, encourage fulfill this rule. Quite descriptively, the word coerce derives from ‘co’ -jointly, together + ‘arcere’ -restrain. Look at this carefully: a joint is a basic element of geometry where an intersection joins together at a point or edge where two or more faces occur. And ‘arcere’, within which we find the word arc, is the circle within which we may restrain that which is joined together. Language is a dimension within the fractal reality of our being that is informed by these geometries of engagement. These geometries of language inform, invite and enforce our mental processes into the larger conceiving of our world.


Because of its informing quality, Sacred Geometry attracts and involves our interest and attention, consciously, unconsciously and sub-consciously. This engagement allows us to study and find revelation in an enlivening, enlightening way, where the sub- or un-conscious can rise into consciousness.

The word engage derives from the Old French meaning to bind by pledge. It implies a willingness of commitment to be involved. If engagement is willing then the negative meaning from the word enforce is neutralized. The enforcing is motivated by our pledge to be involved and engaged. Involve is another word obviously derived from geometric information: ‘in’ -into + ‘volvere’ -to roll. To involve is clearly an expression of geometric spiral dynamics.

As I look at the word engage, I hear in-gage and in-gauge. A gage is a token placed as a guarantee of good faith, such as the glove thrown down as a pledge to duel. Barring the morbid reference, a gage acts as a sign that one pledges to willingly interact with another in an act of value. With in-gage, the pledge to act is within, personally within oneself. When I engage with Sacred Geometry, my being actively embraces a dynamic study of laws of form and informing.

In-gauge is also heard in the speaking of this word. To gauge is to measure, to determine or estimate dimensions of magnitude, amount or volume. These qualities of geometry help us find how and where we are. We can even gauge mood, or safety/danger. These more emotional qualities can also be geometrically defined. The duality of safety/danger is an axis around which the dynamic perspective of mood spirals.

One gauges by engaging. The dominant letter in these words is the letter G. Letters are further fractal dimensions of informing geometry within language. The letter G is a shape that we can see as a dynamic form: traveling around and defining the circle and then going within to center, or perhaps the opposite direction of starting at center, going to the edge and travelling around to find full expression in the circle of every angle. Even the gap in the circle expresses information of a sacred nature, that no matter how much we try to explore every angle of the circle, there are still unknown dimensions remaining.


Understanding the laws of form and informing as sacred tools of engagement allows light to penetrate through dimensions of being. Light provides the ability to see clearly. With light one gains clarity of attention and ability to attend and intend perception and conception.

Light is augmented by geometry, thus becoming brighter when reflected harmonically. This truth is the crux of the Sacredness of geometry. To understand how light is reflected allows one to see clearly how and where we are engaging, and how we are being informed. With this knowledge comes an ability to navigate with more mastery through more dimensions, to take a sacred journey.

Enlightenment is a preferred prerequesite to discernment and choice. The Sacred Geometries increase the light quotient through harmonic reflection. For instance, the equilateral triangle has equal length of edges and equal degree of angles. This allows light to reflect from one edge to another without losing any definition. This particular equilateral geometry defines a simple, singular, static defining. The stasis of this form in fact does not truly exist in the dynamic dimensions of life, and is therefore an expression of the unchanging Whole/One. As a principle of the sacred embodiment though, we can allow differentials and estimates to dynamically dance through this geometry and inform us about our engagement from the One/Trinity. Can I see my engagement with a particular issue (usually a duality) from a perspective (the third point) that includes both within a larger circle? How much equanimity can I bring to this issue? This would be an engaging measure of how close to the sacred whole I may be.


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